Sabur汗, 22岁 first considered a career in software engineering, his professor and mentor 约翰穆赫兰 体重: There’s a lot more to it than just coding. The process of designing a product or web application involves people skills, 比如采访客户, and deep thinking away from the computer. Because Khan values work-life balance and variety, his professor’s insight helped him decide to major in 计算机信息科学 专注于软件工程.

Khan witnessed the importance of people skills during his summer internship at cloud computing company VMware, 他在圣. 爱德华的 Institute for Interdisciplinary Science (i4). The i4 partners with companies working on projects related to the fourth industrial revolution, 哪一个融合了物理, 数字和生物圈, and offers paid internships funded by a National Science Foundation grant. Khan had numerous virtual meetings with his mentor, colleagues in the department and even the CEO. The experience required him to overcome his natural introversion.

“Pushing myself into uncomfortable experiences in my internship helped me open up more as a person and become more communicative,他说. It paid off: VMware offered Khan a full-time position after graduation.

Khan is interested in backend software engineering, which focuses on the structural side of web applications. He’s learned backend engineering fundamentals through an 高级Java训练营课程 offered by Netflix in partnership with St. 爱德华的. “It’s teaching me a lot of hands-on skills and industry-standard tools,” Khan says.

他也完成了, 有一个伙伴, his senior project: a guide for prospective investors that compiles financial information from the web about companies on the stock market. The project marries Khan’s ongoing interest in business with his major in 计算机信息科学.

释放压力, 可汗在健身房锻炼, plays soccer in a men’s league and goes hiking, especially on the Barton Creek Greenbelt near downtown and the Brushy Creek Regional Trail near his house. 他也是一个寻求刺激的人. He rides a motorcycle — “a mood-booster,” he calls it. And on warm weekends, he’ll go cliff jumping with friends at nearby Inks Lake State Park. The adrenaline rush is an antidote to the long hours he spends studying.

“I work so hard,他说, “and in these moments I can let everything out and feel free.”

摄影:Chelsea Purgahn